Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We Have Arrived!

Well, the population of old geezers in Clearwater Beach, Florida has just risen by three.

We arrived at the condo at 3pm.  A few minor glitches ensued at the security gate when we attempted to check in.  Barney Fife, or whatever his name is, told me we weren't scheduled to be here.  He had no information on a "Cotta, or Cawtaw, or Cawtta."  This after I spelled my name for him--TWICE! Of course, I should cut him a little slack seeing as he was about 92.  I feel so secure.

Once we got up to the condo, after playing Marco Polo in the parking garage for a while (AAAANNNN---JOOOHHHNNN---AAANNNNN??---JJOOOHHHNNN?) we found the condo unit and are very pleased.  It is exactly the same as the one my folks had.  I will have pictures tomorrow.

We've already been for a swim in the wonderful pool and are now enjoying a glass of wine, moving soon to the balcony.

More from me tomorrow unless I am way too relaxed to blog.

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