Wednesday, October 16, 2013

They're H-e-e-e-e-r-r-e!

Tim and Jess and girls arrived on Saturday.  As you can see, we've been a little busy and I haven't posted for almost a week.

We've been in the pool, or they have been at the beach every day.  There are shells, bathing suits, towels and sand everywhere!  And lots and lots of smiles and giggles.

The other evening we went to Tarpon Springs to see the sponge boats and the shops.  Here are the girls posing for me as we were walked down the sidewalk.

Yesterday John, Tim and I went fishing on one of the big boats.  We caught a total of 20 fish, all gray snapper, also called grunts.  Yes, they actually grunt.  I heard them.  It was a really fun day, the seas weren't too wild and there were dolphins playing around the boat at times.  Tim cooked the fish for supper and they were great.  As good as shore lunch in Canada.

The view from my end of the fishing rod

John and our catch

If you can pick out the biggest fish on that stringer it's one that I caught.  I told the guys I was going to catch the biggest fish among the three of us and I ended up catching the biggest one for the whole boat!  Not to brag or anything.  But it is in my blood.  Guess I can't help it since one of my earliest memories is going to dig worms with my dad so we could go fishing.  

We got some nice pictures of the area from the boat.  

The Clearwater Marina

The Bridge to Sand Key

440 West Condos

Can you see the girls waving from our balcony?  They watched us when we left and returned.  

I really like being on the lower floor.   The girls are early risers and they go out on the balcony and watch the dolphins swim by in the morning.  

This morning we went down to the beach to collect shells.  The girls love to jump the waves and play in the water and the sand.

Jess and the girls checking out the waves and shells



It was very nice at the beach this morning.  Grandma even went in the water for a little dip.  I haven't been swimming like that for decades!  
So, now you're all updated on what's happening with us.  I'll try not to take so long to blog again.  

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