Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Oh Look Toto! We’re In Kansas!

 Wichita to be precise. We made it to our destination for the first leg of our adventure. It’s funny but I didn’t realize the last blog I did was from a trip to Arizona to visit Carol and Dick.  Maybe I should just say “see the post from 2-26-15.” Just kidding. This is a whole new trip. 

Remember I said that we’re older, slower, etc. well we certainly found out just how true that is. We planned on leaving as early as possible this morning. And seeing as we were both awake at 5am it was looking good. Our actual departure time was 8:20am! The drive was uneventful and we arrived here about 5:30pm.

Tomorrow we’re heading To tucumcari, New Mexico. I’m hoping for a little bit more scenery.  I’ll let you know if we see anything interesting.

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