Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bad Blogger!

Bad blogger, I am! Sorry for not posting yesterday. We were visiting with my sister Carol and her husband Dick and time got away from us.  By the time we returned to the hotel I was ready for bed. And this guy was at the door to greet us. He’s motion activated and speaks to you too. Not really creepy but kind of cute. 

Today we spent the day with them again. We went to Cottonwood Az, 
A town not too far away that has lots of neat little boutique shops and restaurants. 

We had a nice lunch at The Tavern Grill.
It  was fun driving and seeing the different landscape.

 My pictures don’t do it justice. Not only is it hard to capture from a moving vehicle, but there’s also the glare and dead bugs to shoot around. 
Tomorrow we’ll be spending the day with Carol and Dick. Then it’s head for home on Monday.  

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