Sunday, October 8, 2023

Bye to My Little Sis

 Today was our last day visiting with Carol and Dick. We had a wonderful visit. This morning we went to church with them and this afternoon we went to dinner at the club at Talking Rock Ranch. 

Then it was time to say goodbye. We will definitely make an effort to visit again. Once we recover from this trip!  

Tomorrow it’s heading back home by way of Denver and a short visit with Sean and Amy.  

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Bad Blogger!

Bad blogger, I am! Sorry for not posting yesterday. We were visiting with my sister Carol and her husband Dick and time got away from us.  By the time we returned to the hotel I was ready for bed. And this guy was at the door to greet us. He’s motion activated and speaks to you too. Not really creepy but kind of cute. 

Today we spent the day with them again. We went to Cottonwood Az, 
A town not too far away that has lots of neat little boutique shops and restaurants. 

We had a nice lunch at The Tavern Grill.
It  was fun driving and seeing the different landscape.

 My pictures don’t do it justice. Not only is it hard to capture from a moving vehicle, but there’s also the glare and dead bugs to shoot around. 
Tomorrow we’ll be spending the day with Carol and Dick. Then it’s head for home on Monday.  

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Are We There Yet?

Yes! we are cozily settled in our hotel in Prescott.  Wow! That was brutal. Between my not being able to move around very well and John’s back and hips we made a great spectacle checking in and out of hotels the past two nights. But we’re here now so we are going to relax for a few days.

I finally found some of the scenery in The Land of Enchantment.  It started as soon as we left Tucumcari this morning. Black eyed Susan’s lined the road and we started to see cactus.  Unfortunately I don’t take very good photos from the moving vehicle anymore and my cellphone battery died. I’ll put some pictures in that I found on the internet. 

 Then we went through the Carizozo Lava Field. I remember seeing it before and wondering why I never knew there was a volcano in New Mexico. 


I guess the last eruption was a little before my time. It occurred in about3500 bce.

We drove along and on Historic Route 66 for a while. 



But the best scenery was when we got to Arizona especially outside of Flagstaff heading toward Phoenix. I’m sorry but I don’t have a picture of it to share with you. We’ll be here for a few days and I’m sure there’ll be more to photograph. And I’ll make darned sure i 2have my phone fully charged!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Looking For Enchantment

This morning was about the same as yesterday. We didn’t leave Wichita until 8:30am It was cloudy and drizzling so we weren’t in any hurry to get on the road. But we did and ended up here in Tucumcari at 3:45pm with the time change. 
I had hoped to share some new scenery with you but it was a little sparse.  It was pretty much this:

We weren’t the lead dog so the view never changed.
  until we got to New Mexico.


 Tomorrow we’ll be on our last day of our journey to Arizona. I’m really looking forward to that. It’s harder than I imagined, this road tripping.  I expect a lot more scenery tomorrow. No more of these boring posts.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Oh Look Toto! We’re In Kansas!

 Wichita to be precise. We made it to our destination for the first leg of our adventure. It’s funny but I didn’t realize the last blog I did was from a trip to Arizona to visit Carol and Dick.  Maybe I should just say “see the post from 2-26-15.” Just kidding. This is a whole new trip. 

Remember I said that we’re older, slower, etc. well we certainly found out just how true that is. We planned on leaving as early as possible this morning. And seeing as we were both awake at 5am it was looking good. Our actual departure time was 8:20am! The drive was uneventful and we arrived here about 5:30pm.

Tomorrow we’re heading To tucumcari, New Mexico. I’m hoping for a little bit more scenery.  I’ll let you know if we see anything interesting.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Here We Go Again!

 We’re going on a road trip. Tomorrow we leave for Arizona.  It’s a long trip but we’re going to take it slow, driving about 8 hours a day. I know, we’re a couple of old, slow, stiff and cranky old farts.  But we hope we have one more trip left in us.  Cross your fingers and follow along with my blog.  I plan to post every day barring any connection problems. So I’ll see you back here tomorrow.