Friday, September 20, 2013

Plastic Jesus Has Been Laid Off

We made it to Long Island!  And, the driving wasn't nearly as bad as the people we talked to last night made it seem.

Those of you who are of my generation (65-ish) understand what I mean when I refer to plastic Jesus.  For those of you who do not, allow me to explain.

When we were children, all cars that were driven by Catholics, and perhaps other religious affiliations, had a small ivory, red and gold plastic Jesus that stood on the dashboard  attached by a magnet.  Jesus was supposed to guide us safely on our journey.

Now, I am not impugning the plastic Jesus in any way, but like so many others, He has been replaced.  I think it may have been due to the fact that his job was outsourced related  to the use of non-metallic dashboards.

Anyway, we made our trip with the help of St. Google and his disciples, GPS and i-Pad.  Unlike the plastic Jesus, this one talked to us and gave us turn by turn directions.  And, I am fairly certain that if we told a law enforcement officer that the computer told us to go the wrong way they'd believe that way before they'd believe Jesus told us to do it!   We zipped along the New Jersey Turnpike, the George Washington and Throg's Neck bridges and the Long Island Expressway with not so much as a horn honking.

We are now safely and comfortably situated in our hotel in Hauppauge, Long Island.  In a few minutes we are heading for the hotel pool and sauna.  Ahhh!

Tomorrow we are heading off to the cemetery.  Yes, the cemetery.  We're going to look up the grave sites of some of the relatives that Mary has found and maybe even discover some more.

So, more tomorrow.  Tonight it's Words with Friends and Candy Crush Saga!

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